Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Competition Reminders and Checklist

Just some quick reminders for students and parents for competition this weekend:

1. Always be courteous when walking to and from your seat in the auditoriums. Do not try to find a seat or stand up in the middle of the aisleways while a team is dancing. You are blocking the view of other parents and grandparents trying to watch their children perform.

2. Be kind to each other always.

3. Always show good sportsmanship. Always congratulate the other teams and other studios....always.

4. Arrive 2 hours before your competition time...always.

5. Call Shawn or Janie cell phones if you are going to be late. 708-0194 Shawn
708-0936 Janie.

6. Secure your hairpieces BombShells and ThunderBoltz.

7. Safety Pin the necks of your Hot Stuff dresses Phantoms.

8. Check your music cuts Shawn. (Just had to put this one in)

9. Always smile on and off stage. Point your toes and lower your shoulders...relax . Life is good...always!

10. Good Luck to us all! Everyone have a safe trip!

11. Love to you all!