Happy Holidays to Everyone! We hope you are all enjoying your break.
Please try to catch up on all outstanding balances. The $15 late charge will be added to the January statements for all outstanding balances. Sorry to have to mandate this but we have to get our receivables under control asap. We can no longer finance anyones costumes, comp fees or monthly tuition. We have been burnt too many times lately and can not afford to continue running our business in this manner. So please catch up to be current as soon as possible to avoid the monthly late fee. Thanks in advance for understanding this and thanks to those of you who always stay current on your balance. We truly appreciate this.
Also, the January statements will have the March 2 NexStar Competition Fees. If we waited to put the fees on the February statement, then we would not meet the deadline. Solos will be $85, title will be $30, group dances will be $35 per student per dance and $95 for duo/trios split between 2 or 3.
WCDE in February competition does not have soloists competing their solos. Soloists compete for scholarships during the auditions on that Sunday. You will audition with the dance you learn at the workshop and not your choreographed solo. Duets and Trios will be competing at WCDE. The cost is $49 per dancer. Since we do have any other full groups attending, we will only compete The Promise and Prettiest Girls. This fee will be added to your January statements. Please email if you have any questions on this.
Saturday, January 7 Rehearsal Schedule
8:00 am - 9:30 am Hot Notes
9:30 am - 10:30 am Nia, Bella, Elayna
10:30 am - 12:00 pm Going Postal
12:00 pm - 12:30 pm Maddie, Addison, Caitlin
12:30 pm - 2:30 pm Pirates Both Groups
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm B52 Extra Large Group
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Graduating Senior Small Group
Please be working hard on all your dances while you are on break! Wishing Everyone the Happiest New Year in 2012! Miss you all and see you soon!