Friday, May 25, 2012

Gearing up for Recital

We couldn't be more proud of all of our teams this year. Everyone of you have worked hard and have come so far. The performance levels have gone above and beyond my expectations for just our 3rd year together. You all have amazed me. Thank you so much for your dedication to me and to each other this year. It's been a wonderful competition experience this year.

We have our first rehearsal at Nolensville Elementary on Wednesday, May 30 at 5:30 pm. Please arrive a little early if you can. I want you guys to be professional all the way from rehearsal 1 to the finale on recital night. Please wear you black dance attire and have your hair up in a nice bun or faux hauk. Let's look very professional all the way through. Last year we had alot of hair pieces and costumes flying across the stage. We do not need that this year. Use zip ties or whatever it takes to keep your accessories on your body. I know some of you have quick changes but recruit help or whatever it takes to make sure everything about your costumes are secure.

Let's take recital seriously but have a wonderful time. The non-company students will look to you for how to perform and I expect you to show them in every dance that you are rehearsing. No marking anything in these rehearsals. Everything is to be full out. You never know who is in the audience watching you.

It is very important for you to watch all dances and to clap and cheer on everyone. I do expect alot from you all because I believe in you and you are the most wonderful students and caring parents. You have set the bar high. Thank you all!

Our show is dedicated to our 2012 graduates. We love you all very much!