Monday, June 25, 2012


Good morning... I talked to the folks who are doing the videos at Nationals and they let me know that based on our 31 entries and 32 families (so far) that the cost per video will be $35.00 each. If we get up to 40 families, the price will go to $32.00 - not a super big savings.

Each family can either write a check for $35.00 payable to Take 2 Video and give to me or whoever is at the desk and I will collect them tonight OR they can go to the video table at the competition and give them a check or credit card. They need to tell them they are part of the Legacy Dance Studio team.

On the first day, I plan to give them our form with all of the dances and the families listed that have signed up in advance along with any checks that I received.

Hope this makes sense!!! Let me know if there are any questions...
Melissa Kmiecik