Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thank you! and a couple of other things

Thank you all so much for the beautiful rug! It is perfect and exactly what we needed for the front door. It looks great! Thanks for all the flowers and gift certificates and numerous other gifts. You all are always so generous!

We have received many many compliments on the show that I want to pass along to you. YOU ARE THE SHOW! It doesn't matter what kind of props that we use or how many lights are flashing, it's the dancers and their emotions that create the moment. Always smile and perform no matter whether you are on stage, in the school gymnasium or in the studio, someone is always watching you.

Have a wonderful week off. We will begin again on Monday, June 6th. Please visit the website under the Summer of Dance Link to find your rehearsal schedules along with the combo and Open classes.

ThunderBoltz, I have created an extra technique class on Wednesdays from 1:00 - 3:00 pm. I would like for only the students who want to attend and take this class serious to attend. We will not be talking and goofing around. It's time for you guys to learn some tricks and really learn to stand at the ballet bar without slumping and slouching. Parents, please do not let your student attend this class if they are not interested in working hard during this time. There is a $10 fee for this class that is payable before each class.

I expect to see you all at the 1 hour combination class before your scheduled rehearsal time. There is no extra cost for these classes. They are included in your June tuition. Let's really work hard these next few weeks. Nationals will be really tough and we to be as prepared as possible. I love you all and feel so blessed to be a part of your lives!